1st Phantom Shoot

We recently finished our second web commercial for NZXT. This was our company's first time shooting on the Phantom Miro. NZXT was awesome enough to pick an epic commercial idea for their new product launch. We shot welders at 1500 frames per second as well as macro shots of the product. I'm extremely happy with the results!

The Great Stephen Tobolowsky

My company SFST began production on a feature length live show for actor Stephen Tobolowsky - AKA Ned Ryerson from Groundhogs Day. You know the dude, he's in everything! This man is one of the greatest story storytellers I've ever met and I'm excited for you all to see the final product.

Check out our teaser trailer Joanny Causse put together.

You can purchase tickets to the live show May 3rd 2014 at this link: 
